Blog Articles

New Year With 2020 Vision

New Year With 2020 Vision

Welcome to a new decade! If you've been following me for awhile, you may have noticed an absence of articles these last few months.  Well, after over a year and a half of writing a number of articles, I started thinking about my approach to bringing value. Although I...

The Top 5 Benefits of Personal Branding

The Top 5 Benefits of Personal Branding

Have you considered building a personal brand? Company branding has been around for decades but personal branding is relatively new. The invention of the internet gave us the ability to connect with anyone in the world. This ability has allowed people to build a...

Managing Escapism For Improved Results

Managing Escapism For Improved Results

Have you ever heard of escapism? It’s defined as the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy. We’ve all done this from time to time and it’s actually necessary for our minds to take...

The Dangers of a Sedentary Lifestyle

The Dangers of a Sedentary Lifestyle

We’ve all heard that a sedentary lifestyle is bad for you. Why this may be true, many find it easy to dismiss. In today’s society, a growing number of jobs require us to sit and work at a computer for hours at a time. It’s easy to become caught up in your work and not...

Facebook Chatbots 101: Messenger Marketing

Facebook Chatbots 101: Messenger Marketing

Have you heard of Facebook Chatbots? I would not be surprised if you hadn’t, it’s an up and coming option in the field of online marketing. It launched back in 2016 and allows companies to build chatbots on the Facebook Messenger platform. Messenger is widely used and...

Change Your Life with the Power of Focus

Change Your Life with the Power of Focus

Are you aware of the power of focus? Have you ever set goals for yourself that seem to drag on without much progress? Focus is a critical aspect of achievement that can’t be overlooked. Unfortunately, we live in a day and age where focus is increasingly difficult to...

What It Means to Take Action

What It Means to Take Action

What does it mean to, “take action”? This phrase has become quite the buzz word lately – and for good reason. It’s the foundation for living with intention. If you’re reading this article, you have the opportunity to take action somewhere in your life. Doing so will...

Goal Setting: Defining Your Goals for 2019

Goal Setting: Defining Your Goals for 2019

Did you see that? 2018 just came and went which means it’s that goal setting time of the year again. A time to reflect on what you accomplished, where you need to improve, and begin planning for 2019. Did you accomplish your goals for 2018? I hope so, but regardless...

Top 3 Learning Shortcuts to Success

Top 3 Learning Shortcuts to Success

Human beings are naturally curious, it’s why you’re reading this article. We watch the news, browse social media, read books, and any number of activities based on curiosity. When a particular subject happens to peak our interest, we spend the time learning everything...

4 Steps to Living with Intention (Free Workbook)

4 Steps to Living with Intention (Free Workbook)

Do you know what it is to live a life with intention? It’s a way of living life to the fullest, achieving happiness with your full potential. Many people drift through life without giving it much thought, taking the road that’s presented to them. For many, this...

Creating Your First Sales Funnel

Creating Your First Sales Funnel

Imagine you’ve spent countless hours, months, or even years creating your first online business. You’ve created a beautiful website, offered valuable content on a regular basis, and finally released your first digital product…which fails miserably. “Why is this...


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Build Your Business Website

Build Your Business Website

The Build your Business Website course helps people improve messaging and build a website true to their brand. The course is absolutely free and takes you step-by-step through install and the basics of a Wordpress website. Enter your name & email and gain access to 3+ hours of content.

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