Have you ever considered gettin’ your side hustle on? About 44 million Americans report having some kind of side hustle with that number largely comprised of the millennial generation. That’s nearly 14% of the U.S. population and continuing to grow. With that said, let’s start off by defining what a side hustle is, exactly. A side hustle is a secondary source of income apart from your main source of income. Let’s say for example you are a marketing coordinator but have a talent for design. An example side hustle could be an Etsy store, design blog, template products, or any number of things. Based off a number of benefits, I encourage everyone to create additional sources of income. To get you started, here are 6 reasons to start a side hustle.

1. Creative Outlet

According to a recent Gallup Poll, 70% of U.S. employees are unhappy with their job. Personally, I find that to be an alarming number and imagine it stems from a host of issues such as monotony, restrictions, a lack of challenge, and many more. Now, a side hustle can produce the same issues, but the idea is to choose a side hustle you’re passionate about. By doing so, you’ll be more willing to overcome any obstacles you may encounter. You’ll find purpose, challenge, continued education, and control over all aspects of your side-business. Some of these things you simply won’t find at a traditional job and by starting a side hustle, you can fill those gaps. Even if there isn’t much income to be made, at least it’s an outlet to feeling more fulfilled in life.

2. Continued Education

One issue you may find in the workplace is stagnate education. Your current skill set will get you a job to the degree of your education, but you may find yourself there for years. By starting a side hustle, you will have to learn a whole host of new skills. Take for instance someone who’s serious about generating an income through a blog. They will have to educate themselves about some of the following:

  • Design principles
  • Website creation
  • Content creation
  • SEO & Analytics
  • Email marketing
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Paid/free advertising
  • Customer service

Those are just a few of the things you’d have to learn about. Intimidated?…Don’t be! It may seem overwhelming, but just take things one day at a time and discipline yourself on what you need to learn. With that in mind, you won’t be good at everything, so as a side hustlin’ entrepreneur, it’s best to reach out for help. For example, I have a decent amount of knowledge about front-end code (HTML & CSS), but when it comes to anything more complex than that, I delegate it out to someone more knowledgeable.

The key is to continuously educate yourself and increase your value over time. College is 4 years, imagine continuing your education over the next two+ decades through books, classes, seminars, etc…..just imagine the knowledge you would have and your value to the marketplace($$)! This is something your average job will not provide, so get out there and make it happen!

3. New Connections

Starting a side hustle on a topic you’re passionate about will lead to some great new connections! Yes, we’ve all done the typical small talk about our job at networking events and seminars, but there’s something different about those who are working a side-hustle. They’re eager and excited about what they are working on and you’ll build lasting relationships with those who are on the same page. For example, since I started Succeed at Scale, I’ve attended classes, Meetups, marketing events, and not only have I met some awesome people, but have found myself in a very positive and encouraging environment. So, get out there and build your network of go-getters!

4. Income Potential

I’ll be honest, not all side hustles will turn into something very profitable and that’s okay! The important thing is that you keep learning and moving forward. With enough patience and persistence, you’re more likely to find success. You may even find enough success that your day job becomes your side hustle! Imagine working all day on something you are passionate about, beats a regular day job doesn’t it!? Depending on the structure of your business, you may even be able to scale up and start generating greater wealth. Profits are better than wages, so get to work and realize your income potential.

5. Financial Cushion

Have you ever heard the phrase, “don’t put all your eggs in one basket”? By having one job, one source of income, that is exactly what you are doing. If you happen to lose your job, get an injury, or can’t find work because of an outdated skillset, you’re in big trouble. There’s no shortage of bills, rental/mortgage payments, vehicle repairs, etc and we all need a reliable source of income. By working on a side hustle, you’re not only creating multiple streams of income, but you’re ensuring a safety cushion if you happen to lose your job. A $1,000 a month side hustle might not be enough to live off of, but it could be a lifesaver while searching for a new job.

6. Purpose

Everyone searches for a purpose in life, to make their mark. By creating a side hustle based on your passion, you just may find your purpose in life. Maybe you’ll make $50 a month or maybe you’ll make $150,000 a month, what matters is that you find fulfillment and purpose in your work. Some may find this at their day job, but by my calculation, that’s maybe 30% of the population. For those who are having trouble finding fulfillment in the workplace, create a side hustle and fill that gap!

Where to start

Okay, are you ready to get your side hustle on!? I highly encourage you to get started….now! It’s extremely important to start something new immediately, when emotions are high. They key is to harness that energy and set up new disciplines that point you in the desired direction. For instance, let’s say you want to start a new website. Start considering a website name, purchase a hosting account, download a theme, take a class, etc, etc. Structure your life around the disciplines necessary to achieve your goals. It won’t happen overnight, but eventually, you will get there.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” – Lao Tzu

Do you have a side hustle or want to start one? Leave a comment below and share your plans!


*Some of the links above are affiliate links, which means that if you choose to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. This commission comes at no additional cost to you.  I recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions I make if you decide to buy something.


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