New Year With 2020 Vision

New Year With 2020 Vision

Welcome to a new decade! If you’ve been following me for awhile, you may have noticed an absence of articles these last few months.  Well, after over a year and a half of writing a number of articles, I started thinking about my approach to bringing value....
Managing Escapism For Improved Results

Managing Escapism For Improved Results

Have you ever heard of escapism? It’s defined as the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy. We’ve all done this from time to time and it’s actually necessary for our minds to take...
Facebook Chatbots 101: Messenger Marketing

Facebook Chatbots 101: Messenger Marketing

Have you heard of Facebook Chatbots? I would not be surprised if you hadn’t, it’s an up and coming option in the field of online marketing. It launched back in 2016 and allows companies to build chatbots on the Facebook Messenger platform. Messenger is widely used and...

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Build Your Business Website

Build Your Business Website

The Build your Business Website course helps people improve messaging and build a website true to their brand. The course is absolutely free and takes you step-by-step through install and the basics of a Wordpress website. Enter your name & email and gain access to 3+ hours of content.

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