by meltux | Nov 7, 2017 | Entrepreneurship, Personal, Personal Development
Do you have goals in mind for your future? How about clearly defined steps to achieve those goals? Have you done anything today to make those goals closer to a reality? I’ve recently come to the realization that goal setting is a very important part of the wealth...
by meltux | Nov 1, 2017 | Entrepreneurship, Personal Development
I came across an article awhile back and it completely fascinated me. The title, “Why Bigger Goals = Less Competition”, by Tim Ferriss. It’s a great look at human nature and how many of us overestimate the competition and underestimate ourselves. Here’s the backstory...
by meltux | Oct 28, 2017 | Entrepreneurship, Personal, Personal Development
Did you know that about 80% of current millionaires started from nothing? Kind of squashes the idea that the rich just inherit their money, doesn’t it? This statistic alone just goes to show that it is in fact, something that the average person can achieve given the...
by meltux | Sep 10, 2017 | Entrepreneurship, Personal, Personal Development
What motivates you in life? Do you have anything you’re striving towards? It could be early retirement, financial wealth, or as simple as providing for your family. With this kind of question, it’s easy to say something off the top of your head…I want a higher paying...