Blog Articles

How To Maintain Job Security

How To Maintain Job Security

Have you ever felt uneasy about potential job loss? Maybe you’ve experienced it first hand and had trouble finding new employment? Unfortunately, this is all too common with recessions, company restructuring, business failure, or any number of other challenges. While...

How To Increase Productivity Through Better Health

How To Increase Productivity Through Better Health

Whether you know it or not, health is a major contributor to your level of productivity. Mental and physical capacity can be affected in either a positive or negative way by any number of circumstances. A culmination of unhealthy habits will produce levels of low...

How To Keep Your Images Looking Sharp On All Devices

How To Keep Your Images Looking Sharp On All Devices

Have you ever uploaded an image to your website only to find it looking fuzzy or pixelated? This can happen for a few reasons, but is generally an issue of image quality or screen resolution. Now, this may not be of much concern to you, but with today’s competitive...

The Secret Sauce of Success – How to Achieve Your Dreams

The Secret Sauce of Success – How to Achieve Your Dreams

Have you ever wondered what it takes to achieve success? Your vision of success may be financial independence, higher education, a dream job, world travel, or any number of things. No matter what you desire in life, there is a way to achieve greater odds of reaching...

How HTML, CSS, & JavaScript Work (For Beginners)

How HTML, CSS, & JavaScript Work (For Beginners)

Are you starting an online business but quickly find yourself in over your head with code? Well, the good news is that it’s never been easier to start a website with very little coding experience. Content management systems such as WordPress, Drupal, Wix, Squarespace,...

How Usability Testing Improves Conversion Rates

How Usability Testing Improves Conversion Rates

Have you ever heard of usability testing? It’s a concept popularized in the early 1990’s by Jacob Nielsen, a researcher at Sun Microsystems. The technique focuses on measuring a product’s capacity to meet its intended purpose. In other words, is the product, in this...

The Truth About a Work-Life Balance

The Truth About a Work-Life Balance

Have you ever heard of a work-life balance? It’s a term coined in the 1970s to describe the balance between work and other aspects of life. These other aspects may include personal interests, time with friends/family, leisure activities, and more. Now, achieving a...

Top Tax Benefits of Owning a Business

Top Tax Benefits of Owning a Business

Are you looking to start your own business or already have? Well, with taxes due next week, I thought it’d be fitting to cover the top tax benefits of owning a business. It’s not always how much money you make, but how much you keep that’s important. Employee income...

The Power of Being Present in Life

The Power of Being Present in Life

Have you ever heard the phrase, "being present"? Being present, or experiencing mindfulness, is a state of active, open attention on the present. Instead of life passing you by, you seize each moment and awaken to your current experience. Issues from your past and...

Chasing Passion Into Profit – How To Live a Fulfilling Life

Chasing Passion Into Profit – How To Live a Fulfilling Life

What do you want to be when you grow up? It’s this question that seems to loom over our heads since childhood. We start out as astronauts, professional athletes, and the like, eventually finding our way towards more traditional roles such as teachers and engineers....

Why Your Business Needs a Responsive Website

Why Your Business Needs a Responsive Website

Do you remember computers from the 1990s? Well if not, we’ve come a long way! I remember buying my first laptop computer for college at Circuit City with a whopping 20 gig hard drive. It’s crazy to think about how far computer technology has come since then. With that...

Using Fear to Your Advantage

Using Fear to Your Advantage

Fear, it’s an extremely powerful motivator. A primal instinct that has kept us alive as a species since the beginning. We’ve learned to distance ourselves from predators, tread carefully near cliffs, avoid poisonous reptiles, and many others. Life centered around...


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Build Your Business Website

Build Your Business Website

The Build your Business Website course helps people improve messaging and build a website true to their brand. The course is absolutely free and takes you step-by-step through install and the basics of a Wordpress website. Enter your name & email and gain access to 3+ hours of content.

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