Most everyone in this world gives and receives value in one form or another. It could be information, time, money, or a number of other things. Your employer pays you for your time and skills, you pay for classes to learn about your interests, you volunteer at the local SPCA, our world is full of value transactions.

In starting this website, I needed a name/brand that was fitting (and available). I was happy to come across Succeed at Scale and thought it to be a fitting name. Giving value to the world is great, but if you have the ability to do that on a scalable level, then you can really make an impact. Like I mentioned before, you can give many different kinds of value, you can donate money, your time, your skillset, whatever you believe people will value. With this website, my goal is to provide informational value, at scale….which I believe has potential to lead to success.

Isolated Value Transactions

An isolated transaction of value is what I consider to be your typical 9 to 5 job. You trade your time and skills for a paycheck. You need this consistent paycheck to make a living and most people never stop to think if there’s an alternative because it’s considered the norm. The problem here is, you’re only as valuable as your employer believes you to be. You might be the best coder, the best nurse, the best burger flipper, but eventually you will hit the ceiling and be capped out financially because it’s not scaleable. You might give great value to your employer, but you can only go so far.

Succeed at Scale

Here’s where things get interesting. If you could somehow bring your knowledge, skill, expertise, etc, to a larger, more scalable audience, that’s where you open yourself up to unlimited potential. Instead of being at the mercy of your employers decision of value, you can start to earn an income based off the level of value you bring to your audience. By doing this, you aren’t getting paid by one person, but by all the people who love the value you provide. For example, you could create an online coding course, an informational website about all the steps necessary to become a nurse, create a product you sell online, whatever it takes to reach and provide for your audience! The key here though is, you need to provide massive value. If you provide marginal value, you’ll see marginal results. You need to find out what your audience needs and provide that for them, it’s the basics of supply and demand. 

A quote that comes to mind here is, “the more you give, the more you receive”. I didn’t really understand this quote when I was younger and completely broke, but my perspective has changed. When you provide massive value to the world, be it money, time, information, etc, you have the world to gain. You’ll see your income grow, relationships grow, make your mark, and have a positive impact on everyone around you. So, if I could sum this all up at once it would be this:

Provide massive value at scale and receive the same in return


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